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Curios are special items in the Simulated Universe that provide players with different effects on gameplay.

Dimension Reduction Dice

DescriptionWhen choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, 1 extra Blessing(s) can be chosen, but the number of available Blessings will be reduced by 1. This Curio will be destroyed once this effect has been triggered 2 times.

Chaos Trametes

DescriptionWhen choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, increase the number of free Blessing resets by 1.

Warping Compound Eye

DescriptionWhen choosing Blessings after winning a battle, Enhance all 1-star Blessings that appear.

Fruit of the Alien Tree

DescriptionAfter winning a battle, revive all downed characters in the current team and restore their HP to their Max HP. This Curio will be destroyed once this effect has been triggered 1 times.

Casket of Inaccuracy

DescriptionGains 12 random Blessings after obtaining this Curio.

Ambergris Cheese

DescriptionAfter winning a battle, all allies restore HP equal to 30% of their respective Max HP.

Fortune Glue

DescriptionWhen choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, all Blessings that appear are guaranteed to be of 3-star rarity. This Curio will be destroyed once this effect has been triggered 1 times.

The Parchment That Always Eats

DescriptionUpon entering battle, all enemies receive a set amount of DMG equal to 30% of their respective Max HP.

The Doctor's Robe

DescriptionUpon entering battle, regenerates Path Resonance Energy to max and increases Path Resonance DMG by 40%.

Society Ticket

DescriptionIncreases the number of Cosmic Fragments received after winning a battle by 75%.

Faith Bond

DescriptionReduces the Cosmic Fragments required for Blessing Enhancement, Blessing Reset, and for resetting downed characters by 30%.

Robe of The Beauty

DescriptionUpon entering battle, increases DMG dealt by all allies by 16% for every 100 Cosmic Fragment(s) you own.

Gold Coin of Discord

DescriptionUpon entering a new domain, gain Cosmic Fragments equal to 6% of the Cosmic Fragments currently in possession.

Void Wick Trimmer

DescriptionAfter obtaining this Curio, randomly repairs up to 2 destroyed Curio(s) and restores their remaining uses to default.

Record from Beyond the Sky

DescriptionUpon entering battle, all allies will nullify all DMG received except for DoT until after they are attacked, and cannot be debuffed for 3 turn(s).

Entropic Die

DescriptionRandomly Enhances 2 Blessing(s) immediately after obtaining this Curio.

Shining Trapezohedron Die

DescriptionReplaces all Curios currently in possession (including this Curio) with random Curios.

Sealing Wax of Preservation

DescriptionRandomly gains 1 Blessing of Preservation after obtaining this Curio. When choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, there is a greatly increased chance for Blessings of Preservation to appear.

Sealing Wax of Elation

DescriptionRandomly gains 1 Blessing of Elation after obtaining this Curio. When choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, there is a greatly increased chance for Blessings of Elation to appear.

Sealing Wax of The Hunt

DescriptionRandomly gains 1 Blessing of The Hunt after obtaining this Curio. When choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, there is a greatly increased chance for Blessings of The Hunt to appear.

Sealing Wax of Destruction

DescriptionRandomly gains 1 Blessing of Destruction after obtaining this Curio. When choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, there is a greatly increased chance for Blessings of Destruction to appear.

Sealing Wax of Remembrance

DescriptionRandomly gains 1 Blessing of Remembrance after obtaining this Curio. When choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, there is a greatly increased chance for Blessings of Remembrance to appear.

Sealing Wax of Nihility

DescriptionRandomly gains 1 Blessing of Nihility after obtaining this Curio. When choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, there is a greatly increased chance for Blessings of Nihility to appear.

Sealing Wax of Abundance

DescriptionRandomly gains 1 Blessing of Abundance after obtaining this Curio. When choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, there is a greatly increased chance for Blessings of Abundance to appear.

Corrupted Code

DescriptionFixing this code into a normal Curio takes 3 battles. While the code is being fixed, a character loses all their Energy when they Break enemy Weaknesses. Once the code is fixed, this Curio regenerates characters' Energy.
Description (Fixed)When a character Breaks enemy Weaknesses, they regenerate 40 Energy.

Odd Code

DescriptionFixing this code into a normal Curio takes 3 battles. While the code is being fixed, a character loses 30% of their current HP every time they use their Ultimate. Once the code is fixed, this Curio restores HP for characters.
Description (Fixed)Every time a character uses their Ultimate, they restore HP equal to 30% of their Max HP.

Normal Code

DescriptionFixing this code into a normal Curio takes 3 battles. While the code is being fixed, allies take 35% more DMG while their HP percentage is below 50% of their Max HP. Once the code is fixed, this Curio reduces DMG taken by allies.
Description (Fixed)Characters receive 25% less DMG while their HP percentage is below 50% of their Max HP.

Elegant Code

DescriptionFixing this code into a normal Curio takes 3 battles. While the code is being fixed, a random enemy's action will be Advanced Forward by 35% every time a character uses a Skill. Once the code is fixed, this Curio Advances Forward characters' actions.
Description (Fixed)After a character uses a Skill, their next action will be advanced forward by 25%.

Mysterious Code

DescriptionFixing this code into a normal Curio takes 3 battles. While the code is being fixed, enemies deal 35% more DMG when another enemy unit is defeated by a character. Once the code is fixed, this Curio increases DMG dealt by all allies.
Description (Fixed)All allies deal 25% more DMG after an enemy is defeated.

Infinitely Recursive Code

DescriptionFixing this code into a normal Curio takes 3 battles. While the code is being fixed, each time after a character uses a Skill, they consume 1 extra Skill Points. Once the code is fixed, this Curio makes characters' Basic ATK recover extra Skill Points.
Description (Fixed)Recovers 1 extra Skill Point(s) when characters use Basic ATK.

Shattered Star Bait

DescriptionIncrease Movement SPD by 20% when in map. During combat, characters' actions are Advanced Forward by 10% after they take action.

Obliteration Wick Trimmer

DescriptionUpon entering battle, increase all allies' DMG by 3% for every destructible object that has been destroyed.

Insect Web

DescriptionUpon entering battle, the character currently with the highest ATK will become Parasitized. While Parasitized, the character's ATK increases by 50%, but will lose HP equal to 20% of their current HP at the start of every turn. When this character is knocked down, Parasitized will be transferred to a random character.

Angel-type I.O.U. Dispenser

DescriptionCosmic Fragments are not received upon winning battles. After triggering this effect 5 times, this Curio will be destroyed and the amount of Cosmic Fragment(s) currently held will be doubled.

Laurel Crown of Planar Shifts

DescriptionThe current exploration will not terminate if your team is defeated in battle outside of a final domain. Instead, the battle will be considered as a victory, and all characters will recover HP up to their respective Max HP. After triggering this effect 1 time(s), this Curio will be destroyed.

Space-Time Prism

DescriptionUpon entering battle, increase all ally's Eidolon Resonance level by 1.

Cosmic Big Lotto

DescriptionAfter destroying destructible objects, there is a small chance of receiving 1 Curio, but also a small chance of destroying this Curio and all characters losing 99% of their current HP.

Omniscient Capsule

DescriptionDestructible objects will appear more frequently and rewards obtained from them are doubled.

Divination Cuckoo Clock

DescriptionWhen selecting Blessings after victory, the number of available Blessings will be reduced by 1.

Black Forest Cuckoo Clock

DescriptionUpon entering battle, randomly increases the chance for 1 character(s) to be attacked by enemies for 5 turn(s).

Perpetual Motion Cuckoo Clock

DescriptionUpon entering a new domain, lose 5% of all Cosmic Fragment(s) currently in possession.

Punklorde Mentality

DescriptionUpon entering battle, there is a 100% fixed chance to add to all enemies 1 Weakness(es) of the same Type(s) as allies currently on the field. These Weakness(es) last(s) for 3 turn(s).

Beacon Coloring Paste

DescriptionWhen choosing a Blessing after winning a battle, randomly Enhance 1 Blessing(s) among the selection.

IPC Cuckoo Clock

DescriptionIncreases Cosmic Fragments required to Enhance and reset Blessings by 25%.

Mechanical Cuckoo Clock

DescriptionUpon entering battle, consume 2 Skill Point.

Sealing Wax of Propagation

DescriptionRandomly gains 1 Blessing of Propagation after obtaining this Curio. When choosing your Blessings after winning a battle, there is an increased chance for Blessings of Propagation to appear.

Triangular Drum-roll Device

DescriptionWhen choosing Paths for the first and second planes, you can additionally select 1 already Enhanced Blessing(s) for the corresponding Paths.

Silver Coin of Discord

DescriptionImmediately gain Cosmic Fragments equal to 50% of the Cosmic Fragments currently in possession.

Family Ties

DescriptionIncrease all allies' DMG by 30% for every Curio that has been destroyed.

Medal of the Gloryblood Era

DescriptionImmediately gain 1 random 3-star Blessing(s). The next time you enter an Occurrence domain, no occurrence will be triggered. This Curio will be destroyed after the effect is triggered 1 time(s).

Black Hole Trap

DescriptionYou will obtain 10 Cosmic Fragments for each ally whose HP is at max when winning a battle.

Interastral Big Lotto

DescriptionAfter destroying destructible objects, there is a small chance of receiving 1 random Blessing, but also a small chance of destroying this Curio and causing all team members to lose all Energy and Technique Points.

Fissured Cuckoo Clock

DescriptionCharacter's ATK decreases by 5%.

Typical Genius Society Gossip

DescriptionAfter obtaining this Curio, Cosmic Fragments obtained will increase by 100%, but Blessings will no longer be obtained after combat

Tonic of Efficacious Chaos

DescriptionIncreases DMG dealt by characters' Techniques by 200%. Technique DMG further increases by 200% of the Technique's respective character's Max HP.

Rubert Empire Mechanical Cogwheel

DescriptionYou obtain 50 Cosmic Fragments each time you enter a domain. If the Cosmic Fragment total exceeds 500, then the Curio will be destroyed and all Cosmic Fragments will be lost.

Cavity System Model

DescriptionLose all currently possessed Cosmic Fragments. For every 100 Cosmic Fragments lost in this way, increases all characters' CRIT DMG by 24%.

Tousled Detective

DescriptionWhen entering Combat: Swarm, Occurrence: Swarm, and Boss: Swarm domains, increases characters' DMG dealt by 8% in the above domains.

Fool's Mask

DescriptionAll Blessings in possession are swapped to random Blessings with their Enhancement levels retained, with a chance of being replaced by Blessings of higher rarity.

Vile Mechanical Satellite #900

DescriptionItem prices in Transaction domains become 70% of what they originally were.

Spirit of the Knights of Beauty

DescriptionGains 4 dice reroll(s) after obtaining this Curio.

Illusory Automaton

DescriptionAt the start of a character's turn, they restore HP equal to 20% of their Max HP.

A Pinch of Bearded Gunpowder

DescriptionGains 1 cheat(s) after obtaining this Curio.

Man-Made Meteorite

DescriptionGains 13 random Blessings for the current Path after obtaining this Curio.

Thalan Toxi-Flame

DescriptionUpon entering battle, the character with the highest ATK consumes HP equal to 24% of their Max HP at the start of each turn. At the same time, their SPD increases by 5%, up to 5 times.

The Pinkest Collision

DescriptionUpon entering battle, all allies' Break Effect increases by 20% for every Blessing of a different Path possessed.